🛣 planning the way for unplanned purchases
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make shifting marketing budgets work smarter and harder

let your goals lead your omnichannel mix

more digital channels mean more noise

🖼️ big picture: The loudest bell you can ring is the actual message populating the digital communication, not just the digital marketing lever itself. Tailor messages to specific cohorts to amplify your influence on their paths to purchase and shape shopper behavior.

🎯 get granular:

  • 1/4 of online purchases involve using the retailer mobile app in the pre-shop phase. Because mobile apps have very high reach and influence unplanned category purchases, retailers should continue to expand usage.
  • Enable push notifications and fine-tune product descriptions to be persuasive and attractive to groups like Gen Z, who are reached by notifications with offers more than the average shopper.
  • Banner ads influence unplanned purchases but placement matters. Banner ads placed on the retailer’s own sites drive incremental item purchases, while ads placed on other sites drive category purchases.

Revisit how the variety of marketing levers exist across the five paths to purchase, as identified and simplified by pepviz™ insights work.